Winter Survival Food
It’s January and the temperatures have dipped considerably
and all the green edibles, roots and nuts that you have learned about are gone
or too much work to harvest. No problem! Odds are that you are not far from an
outstanding food source that early settlers relied on when food became too
scarce. That food source is the mighty pine tree! Maybe you’ve heard that the
pine needles are edible (which is somewhat true….more on that later) but the
source of food I’m talking about is the cambium layer. In between the outer
bark and the inner bark is this wonderfully nutritious area that is white and
can be peeled away from the hard, yellow inner bark in strips and eaten
immediately, cooked over a fire (a little oil and salt makes it actually a
descent snack), laid out to dry to eat later or pounded into a flour. Now that
you are super excited to try it out and go eat a tree, let’s talk about
identifying the pine tree first. In Wisconsin where I am, I have only tried the
White Pine and the Red Pine. The White Pine is by far more palatable. Both
Pines have needles in bundles prior to being attached to the tree limb. The
White Pine has 5 needles per bundle (the same number of letters in the word
white!) and the Red Pine has two much longer needles in a bundle and the bark
is easily identified as “reddish”.

A word on being a
good environmental stewardship…..only a small section of the tree needs to be
harvested. Do not girdle the tree to harvest your bark. In other words, don’t
cut a section that goes all the way around the tree. A square or rectangle area
perhaps 10 inches by 6 inches is all you would really need.
Now back to that pine needle edibility. You can (and should)
eat the pine bark but the same is not true of the needles. We are just not
meant to eat the needles themselves but rather pull the nutritious part of the
needle from it through a tea or saliva. The vitamin C that is packed into the needles
is water soluble. That means if you put it in water, the vitamin will be
transferred to the water. If you heat up the water, the transfer happens more
rapidly. The same is true with saliva. If you chew on the needles, you will
extract the vitamin C. But spit out the needle afterwards! That part is just
too fibrous for our bodies to assimilate.